Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 days!!!

So, where did the past month go? This far into summer, school seems like a distant memory. But when I try to remember what I have done for the past month, all of my days run together. I can hardly differentiate yesterday from a week ago.
In part, I believe I feel this way because everything I have done in the past month is all the same. I wake up, and get on my computer. I check Facebook to see if there are any new posts on the message walls for SIT or messages in my inbox from others going on the trip. Once I finish that, I galivant around on the internet, searching for cheap travel and lodging of which I am responsible for the first couple days after I arrive in South Africa. Then, I add to the crazy relaying of information between the other students going on the trip. 
This is harder than it sounds, as not everyone is constantly checking fb, and even if they are, you have to constantly bombard the message boards with questions of where people are flying from, when people are arriving, where they are thinking about staying, if they would be interesting in boarding up together and the like. Then, once plans are somewhat set, of course there are questions that arise and answers that are communicated from various sources to various people on fb. One thing I have discovered: different countries have their own way of running things, creating stress and uncertainty about the arrangements for the couple days prior to the beginning of the trip. Of course I could've taken the easy route and stayed at the hostel like the program suggested, but I have a keenness of making things difficult for myself.
When I finish my computer duties I run errands -whether that be going to the library to pick up books about Africa and soccer, or to Salvation Army to get some shabby clothing for the trip. Getting back home I check the internet again, and by that time my siblings are home, and I either take them places, play with them, or go to work. Then, at night, I try to get some of the required reading (there were 2 books that were assigned for the trip) done. Throw in some zumba classes, play dates with friends, episodes of Glee, and eventful weekends, and I've got myself 3 full weeks of non-stop craziness that have lead up to this point.
Would I have it any other way? Heck no. Bring it WC2010, I'm ready.

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