Friday, June 25, 2010

A racial clarification

This is a short response to my Aunt’s question about “colored” people from my last entry. When I last posted I actually thought about putting in a little of how race is treated in South African society, but there was already a lot to say. Unlike in the U.S. where everyone strives to be politically correct when it comes to sensitive subjects, South Africans find race to be a joke. No one is offended if you call them black, white, colored, Afrikaan, or a dirty Nigerian. I’ve heard it in casual conversation between teenagers and 50-year-olds alike. South Africa’s past is full of racial tension, and they have been pretty desensitized to being classified by their race. Here black means you have relatively immediate indigenous heritage (Zulu, Afrikaan, Xhosa, or another tribe), colored means you are a mixture of black, Indian, or another ethnicity with dark skin. (Basically if you don’t have really black skin and nappy hair you are colored) and white is, well, self-explanatory, haha.
Also Hannah (my roommate) and I are making dinner with two other girls and their family tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestions, but we actually eat hamburgers quite often! I must admit, the burgers aren’t as satisfying because the “tomato sauce” and mustard have the consistency and transparency of syrup you’d put on ice cream. I definitely miss my American condiments. We are planning on making baked ziti with Caesar salad, garlic bread and chocolate chip cookies. They don’t have cookies here they have biscuits, and they are all terribly boring to eat. Food for thought: What would life be like if you could never have chocolate chip cookies ever again? –I’ll go start digging my grave right now…


  1. Gramma said
    Tori we are making a Louies run tomorrow ! We will be thinking about you when we eat our nut rolls and choc chip cookies !!Sorry they don't ship out of the country.!

  2. Thank you for the explanation Tori! I was curious how it was used there. Very interesting. I can't imagine life without chocolate chip cookies. Especially, Louies cookies! :)

    Love ya, Auntie Em
